Parking Enforcement and Tickets
Parking Enforcement Officers

Albany’s Parking Enforcement Officers, as representatives of both the Albany Parking Authority and the City of Albany, will perform their duties in a professional manner and to the highest standards.
The duties, responsibilities, and functions of Albany’s Parking Enforcement Officers include:
- Providing quality and courteous customer service while promoting safety and ensuring the proper flow of traffic throughout the streets of the City of Albany.
- Protecting the rights of pedestrians and the parking public who abide by local and state parking ordinances and laws.
- Assisting in providing available parking to residents, visitors, and businesses.
- Enforcing city and state parking ordinances and laws.
- Assisting in any city emergency as needed.
The Albany Parking Authority does not manage or handle payments, contests, or appeals for parking tickets issued within the City of Albany New York.
The Parking Violations Bureau of the City of Albany is responsible for collecting and resolving any parking tickets and/or violations within the City of Albany New York.
If you have questions regarding a parking ticket(s) and/or violations you have received, please contact the Parking Violations Bureau at (518) 434-5006 or at [email protected]
To access ticket information or pay your ticket/violation online, please visit the City of Albany Ticket Information site. Tickets/violations may also be paid by mail or in person, additional information can be found on the Parking Violations website.
Tickets and Violations FAQ
How Do I Report a Parking Violation?
To report a parking violation within the City of Albany, please contact the Parking Enforcement Office at (518) 434-8887
Who Should I Contact About a Parking Violation / Ticket?
The Albany Parking Authority does not handle or manage payments, contests, or appeals for parking violations/tickets.
For questions or assistance regarding a parking violation/ticket, please contact the Parking Violations Bureau located at Albany City Hall at (518) 434-5006 or [email protected]
How Do I Pay for a Parking Violation / Ticket?
Online payments can be made through the City of Albany’s Parking Violations Bureau online Payment Portal using a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express).
Please Note: Online payments are subject to convenience fees.
In-person Payments can be made at the City of Albany’s Treasurer’s Office using cash, check, money order, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express). The Treasurer’s Office is located on the first floor of Albany City Hall at 24 Eagle Street in Albany, NY. Office hours are 8:30am – 5:00pm.
By Mail Payments can be made using a check or money order made payable to the Parking Violations Bureau. When making a payment by mail, be sure to include the ticket number and license plate number of the ticketed vehicle on your check or money order. Payments can be mailed to:
Albany City Hall – Treasurer’s Office
24 Eagle Street, 1st Floor
Albany, NY 12207
Can the Albany Parking Authority Void a Parking Violation / Ticket?
No, the Albany Parking Authority cannot void or cancel a parking violation/ticket.
To contest a parking ticket/violation, the ticket holder will either need to bring the ticket(s) into Albany City Hall to issue the contest in-person or mail their contest to the Parking Violations Bureau with a copy of their ticket and an explanation attached. Parking violation/ticket contests cannot be made over the phone.
Parking tickets may be contested in-person at:
Albany City Hall
24 Eagle Street
Albany, NY 12207
Who Should I Contact to Contest a Parking Violation / Ticket?
The Albany Parking Authority does not handle or manage payments, contests, or appeals for parking tickets. For questions or assistance regarding a parking ticket or violation, please contact the Parking Violations Bureau located at Albany City Hall at (518) 434-5006 or [email protected]
To contest a parking ticket/violation, the ticket holder will either need to bring the ticket(s) into Albany City Hall to issue the contest in-person or mail their contest to the Parking Violations Bureau with a copy of their ticket and an explanation attached. Parking violation/ticket contests cannot be made over the phone.
Parking tickets may be contested in-person at:
Albany City Hall
24 Eagle Street
Albany, NY 12207
When Is a Vehicle Eligible to be Booted?
A vehicle is eligible to be booted when it has $200.00 or more in outstanding parking tickets for longer than the 20 day limit.
Who do I Contact if My Vehicle has Been Booted?
If your vehicle has been booted, you will need to contact the phone number on your booting notice.
For additional questions regarding parking tickets or violations, please contact the Parking Violations Bureau at (518) 434-5006 or [email protected].
Who do I Contact if My Vehicle has Been Towed?
If your vehicle has been towed, you will need to contact the Albany Police Department Dispatch at (518) 438-4000.
For additional questions regarding parking tickets or violations, please contact the Parking Violations Bureau at (518) 434-5006 or [email protected].
The Residential Parking Regulations of the City of Albany (Ordinance 6.22.22, Subsection A of section 359-75 of Article VII of Chapter 359 of Part II of the Code of the City of Albany) was signed into law on 4/08/2022.
Under the City’s Residential Parking Regulations, vehicles that do not have a valid Residential Parking Permit with the City of Albany and are parking in a designated Residential Parking Zone on a weekday between the hours of 8am and 6pm may only do so for No More Than Two (2) Consecutive Hours Per Day Within a Given Zone, except for designated holidays. Vehicles may be parked in a different Residential Parking Zone within the City after their two hours has lapsed, however those vehicles remain subject the two (2) consecutive hour time limit imposed in that Zone.
There are 3 separate Residential Parking Zones, each designated by color coordinated signage: Zone A is Red, Zone B is Blue, and Zone C is Orange.
Please Be Aware: violations of this parking regulation will result in a penalty of $65.00.
Residential Parking Regulations FAQ
How Do I Know If I Am Parked in a Residential Parking Zone?
There are three (3) residential Permit Parking Zones in the City of Albany: Zone A, Zone B and Zone C. Each Zone is designated by on-street signage.
- Zone A: Those neighborhoods generally west of the Empire State Plaza and south of State Street and consisting of designated streets within the neighborhoods identified as Center Square, Hudson/Park, Park South and Washington Park. The designated color for Zone A is Red.
- Zone B: Those neighborhoods generally east of the Empire State Plaza and south of State Street and consisting of designated streets within the neighborhoods identified as Mansion and Pastures. The designated color for Zone B is Blue.
- Zone C: Those neighborhoods generally east of the Empire State Plaza and north of State Street and consisting of designated streets within the neighborhoods identified as Ten Broeck Triangle. The designated color for Zone C is Orange.
What is the Fine Associated with Violating the City of Albany’s Residential Parking Regulation?
Vehicles parked in a single residential parking zone during residential only parking hours without a City of Albany Residential Parking Permit more than two (2) consecutive hours are subject to a $65.00 fine.
Can a Non-Residential Permitted Vehicle Move to Another Parking Spot Within the Same Zone Every Two Hours?
No. Non-residential vehicles parked in a residential permitted zone may only park for no more than two (2) consecutive hours per day between the hours of 8:00am and 6:00pm on weekdays, except holidays, along any street which has been designated a residential parking permit zone.
How Do I Know Which Residential Parking Zone I Am Parked In?
There are three (3) residential Permit Parking Zones in the City of Albany: Zone A, Zone B and Zone C.
- Zone A: Those neighborhoods generally west of the Empire State Plaza and south of State Street and consisting of designated streets within the neighborhoods identified as Center Square, Hudson/Park, Park South and Washington Park. The designated color for Zone A is Red.
- Zone B: Those neighborhoods generally east of the Empire State Plaza and south of State Street and consisting of designated streets within the neighborhoods identified as Mansion and Pastures. The designated color for Zone B is Blue.
- Zone C: Those neighborhoods generally east of the Empire State Plaza and north of State Street and consisting of designated streets within the neighborhoods identified as Ten Broeck Triangle. The designated color for Zone C is Orange.
Can a Non-Residential Permitted Vehicle Move After 2 Hours to Another Parking Zone Then Move Back to the Original Parking Zone Within the Same Day?
No. Non-residential vehicles parked in a residential permitted zone may only park for no more than two (2) consecutive hours per day between the hours of 8:00am and 6:00pm on weekdays, except holidays, along any street which has been designated a residential parking permit zone.
Who Should I Contact About the On-Street Residential Parking Permit Program?
For information about on-street residential parking permits, visit the City of Albany’s Parking Permit webpage or contact the City Clerk’s office at 518-434-5090.
Need to report a parking violation within the City of Albany? Contact the Parking Enforcement Office at (518) 434-8887 or at [email protected]
Have questions regarding a parking ticket(s) and/or violations you have received? Contact the Parking Violations Bureau at (518) 434-5006 or at [email protected]