RFPS & Bids

Repair and Preventive Maintenance 2017 RFP

8 August, 2017

Sealed bids for the Repair and Preventive Maintenance – 2017 of the Albany Parking Authority Garages will be received by the Albany Parking Authority, in the office of the Authority, 25 Orange Street, Albany, NY

2:00 p.m. local time on Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bidder bears the risk of late delivery. Any bids received after the stated time will be returned unopened.

Project involves the following tasks (the “Project”): slab concrete repairs; overhead and vertical concrete

repairs; installation of waterproofing membrane; expansion joint repairs: façade repairs: sealing of cracks

and construction joints; cove joint repairs; epoxy injection of cracks; tee joint sealant replacement; steel

connectors; replacement of drainage piping; asphalt repairs; other miscellaneous repairs.

This project shall be performed in accordance with Prevailing Wage Rates for the State of New York. The project is located within the Albany County.

Only those who have demonstrated past experience on parking garage rehabilitation projects in the last five years shall be considered a qualified bidder for this Project. A minimum of five (5) references are required in order to be considered a qualified bidder for this Project. All Bidders shall submit the fully completed “Contractor’s Qualification Statement and Questionnaire” included in the Project Manual with the submission of their bids in order to verify the qualifications.

Bid Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 01, 2017 at 11.30 AM at the Parking Authority office, 25 Orange Street, Albany, NY 12207-2224 for the purpose of establishing the listing of contractors and to answer questions. Representatives of each party to any Joint Venture must attend this meeting. Attendance of this meeting is a prerequisite for bidding on this contract.

Any questions regarding this bidding shall be submitted in writing to the Authority no later than Tuesday, August 8, 2017 at 2.00 PM.

Preventive Maintenance – 2017 of the Albany Parking Authority Garages”

Contract documents may be obtained electronically from the Albany Parking Authority office, email Construction documents will be available for review at the Albany Parking Authority.

The successful bidder must post a performance and payment bond in a sum equal to 100 percent of the contract price and with a bonding company acceptable to the Albany Parking Authority, upon execution of the contract for the Project. The Albany Parking Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities therein. The Albany Parking Authority may extend the time and place for the opening of the bids from that described in this advertisement, with not less than two calendar days’ notice by certified delivery, facsimile machine or other electronic means to those bidders receiving plans.