News Article

Free Parking at Albany Parking Authority Garages Starting at 5:00pm on Friday December 18th

December 18, 2020

Free Parking at All 3 Albany Parking Authority Garages Starting at 5:00pm on Friday December 18th

Beginning at 5:00pm, Friday December 18th until 6:00am, Monday December 21st free parking will be available at each of the Albany Parking Authority’s downtown parking garages to help accommodate the parking needs of city residents during the Snow Emergency.

Residents may park their vehicles at no cost at any of the 3 locations listed below starting at 5:00pm, Friday December 18th until 6:00am, Monday December 21st.

Albany Parking Authority Parking Garages Locations:

Green-Hudson Garage

Located at 45 Hudson Ave (at the corner of Hudson Ave. and Green St.)

Albany NY, 12207

Riverfront Garage

Located at 2 Columbia St. (between Broadway and Water St.)

Albany NY, 12207

Quackenbush Garage

Located at 25 Orange Street (between 677 Broadway)

Albany NY, 12207

Please note the overnight parking Is Permitted at each of these locations.

If you have questions about parking at any of the 3 garage locations listed above, please contact the Albany Parking Authority at 518-434-8886×107 or by email at: [email protected]

If you have additional question regarding the City of Albany Snow Emergency, not related to parking at an Albany Parking Authority Garage, please call the Albany Snow Hotline at 518-476-SNOW (7669)